Tuesday, December 9, 2008

OH YEAH, lexington.

"I am going to lexington tommorow... I will make a post and let you know how that goes"
ok here.
it was what seemed like would be a pretty rad show. we showed up- got free pizza and beer, and a guaranteed dollar amount regardless of the turnout. we had done well here last time...
we were in lexington and the cats had just won. so we figured all the dudebros would be at least a little willing to see some rock music and have a good time... shit in one hand and wish in the other. there were no dudebros. i have never wanted to see dudebros more than i did on wednesday night.

there were only two bands. we assumed we would just feed off some of the residual people left over from the first band who played waayyyy too late (like an hour past doors time, but at least they were decent and played for a short time).

they finished. all their friends left.

this is the only thing i hate about music. people just dont care about it enough anymore. they just dont care. thats ok though. i am assuming that things change. i always do. because they always do. they always have. so lets move on.

i had to be up at 630 the next morning. i got home at 330.

it was weak. the whole affair was weak as fuck.

but YOU... whoever you are who may read this... if you ever wondered what it was like to be in an up and coming rock band, vying for status, dying to live out your little dream... thats kind of what its like. you wait for the dudebros, and the dudebros never show. and sometimes thats ok, sometimes thats not. haha.

its kind of like a sickness with no cure... and no scientists to work on it. no grants. no funding. it doesnt have a billion calories, or kill people who dont know how to wash their hands. it doesnt walk into buildings and blow itself and others up in the name of god. no, no. music and this business doesnt do that shit.

it just preys on the dumbasses who choose to give it to themselves... so they blog about it.


sometimes you just have to write it down as an experience. nothing more. nothing less. laugh about it. see if other people do... whoever you are, i sure hope YOU did.

oh yeah.
and some dudebro with a microphone tatooed on his neck tried to heckle us. i dont think he succeeded... no one laughed, and i think he got thrown out.
good luck getting a job with that haggard microphone when heckling stops paying the bills.

i heard a comedian this weekend say the funniest thing to a heckler this weekend...

"sir, your dick is so small, your sperm comes out in single file." -jamie martling

everytime micropphone broneck said something, i just played a note or two really loud over him. so i didnt hear what he was saying.
i am not saying i wish it would happen, but maybe there was a car wreck. maybe he was there. dont know if he was in it... i am merely suggesting maybe there was. maybe he was hurt, maybe not. hope he's ok.


i hope you (whoever you are) are not looking for any philosophy or direction in this blog. that could be presumptious of me to assume,considering i hope NO ONE looks for that sort of thing in a blog.
i might feel like peppering in something that may seem like something valuable every now and then, but its just going to be filled with ridiculous antics, dick jokes, drunken escapades, completley terrible form, poor puncuation.... and of course gay jokes. haha. have fun then...

good day.


Clitoris Rex said...

hahaah. nice. I hope he was in close proximity to a steering wheel when it came loose at 120 mph, I hope he caught it with his face...just sayin'.

I'm glad I figured out what your blog is. Keep it up.

hell is hot said...

haha. caught it with his face.