Saturday, April 25, 2009

excuse the punctuation...

...but i just need to vent a little.
for the most part, i am enjoying tour...really.
the worst part isnt what people think it is. its not playing empty clubs with terrible bands and people. really, i have been doing that for years. just not consecutively the way i am now. really, i am over that. dont get me wrong- there are a million more amazing people out there that i have met and shared the stage with... music takes my blues away no matter how many people are there. and anyways, were still doing pretty well. there have only been like 4 "bad" shows. no big deal.
the worst part about touring: i miss home. i miss my lover. distance makes the heart grow fonder, and it also puts a strain on your body and mind. i hate that i cant see her, but i love that she is supporting me and i love to see how independent we can both be of one another, but emotionally, i SUCKKK at being independent. it really sucks not having someone around to share your life and experiences with. i sometimes feel for those people that have not found true love in their life. if there was a god who listened, i would pray that everyone would find it. i am lucky to have it, and i hate that its not near me all the time, aside from a longing to see you again phone call. its a shame, but its for the better.
it feels good to get my emotions out like this. complaining and being negative DONT work when you are on the road. so you have to bottle things up until you can vent just a little bit. i need some fresh air combined with a cigarette.
dont we all wish we could have our cake and eat it too??
i know i do.

Monday, April 13, 2009

slow comp, fast times.

captain hook is on the tv, speer and steve are playing chess. i feel a bit of a chest cold coming on, but i think i will be fine. i just need to lay off the smokes. i look forward to the next few days, new towns, new faces, new places. everything new. nothing wrong with that.
slept in the van last night. wasnt that bad. apparently i slept for nine hours. i wasnt feeling too well. we slept in a walmart parking lot (thanks for the tip vertigo, they indeed dont give a fuck), which wasnt bad. nick and i played wii in the electronics department for about 30 minutes, and then nick played guitar hero. no one said anything to us, they shouldve i guess. we were a little too comfortable to be in a major retailer in our pajamas. oh well though, it was fun, a lot less terrible than i imagined it would be.
i dont know- i'm not exactly getting my "travel wishes" granted, but i am staying alive. and my spirits are up for the most part. i think its ok not always have high standards for everything and just go with the flow.
here's to moving forward.

Friday, April 10, 2009

so here i am...

i am in knoxville. i have been here for 2 days now, i can safely say- its weird. but despite missing my girlfriend and my dog, i am having a good time between spurts of lonliness and unfullfilled hopes. its just really not that bad. i havent been this calm and collected and ambitious EVER in my life.
i am trying to make this quick because i am going to do a net meet with britni. i get to see her, and i like that. i like everything. why wouldnt i? who the fuck wouldnt want to have the kind of balls i have? i used to want to have them, and now i do. i did it no matter what. so fuck all the doubt that i had, and fuck all the doubt that i still have. its fucking stupid and i already dont know who the fuck that guy was.
you will have to forgive me, i have had a few shclitz cans and i just feel ok.
we go on here soon so i am going to sign off, but whenever i get back to a comp, i will update about things in more detail. i promise.
just being to one city, i can tell you this... there are beautiful people everywhere in this world. and i mean beautiful in the context of motive, and love for doing good in this world. i like to think sometimes that that is what we try to do. and no matter what kind of shit bar i play in, in whatever shit town i go to, i always find them.
good night, i will see you soon.


Friday, April 3, 2009

I made this

I made a LOLZ.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


When there is a midget version of your band... ahem, excuse me- little people version... of... your... band... yeah.

today we got bumped off of a show somewhere on the tour because Great White is playing that night.

yeah, i know.

i like how we suck so bad that the club owner would rather risk killing people in a pyro fire/stampede than book us. oh well.

i wonder if Great White could bump Mini Kiss...those little dudes blowing fire, i bet they've injured quite a few people... or singed some eyebrows at least.

ok, i might have to make this a private blog, i'm offending people.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

bathroom graffiti... pasted over from LJ

i was in the bathroom at thorntons, and someone took out the "c" in "changing" on the "baby changing station"... to make it read "baby hanging station".
then i glanced at myself in the mirror while washing my hands, and there was a sign that read "all employees, wash your hands..." blah blah. the picture was of a womans hands (manicured, red nails, you know the drill)... someone took a pen and wrote "your employees must be fags". HAHAHHA. men's restroom graffiti is fucking HILARIOUS.