Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 random things

the following are 25 random things about me.
an idea i got from facebook and could resist pasting over.

1. i felt that dropping out of college and deciding to pursue my grandeuristic (word?) dreams was the most liberating experience of my life. i only mention this because i feel like i need to justify it to myself alot- i have still accomplished little in the financial realm. however, personally, i am having what i believe are the best years of my young adult life. VISA guy, take the mic: "priceless"thanks visa guy.
2. i cried on my 18th birthday because i thought the party was over. it obviously wanst. i get pseudo-depressed whenever i reach a long standing goal in my mind. something about the pursuit fulfills me more than the actual realization of a goal. strange i suppose.
3. i needed glasses for a year and i put off getting them, despite the danger it caused to myself and people around me. can you imagine being so obsessed with the way you are, and have been, that the idea of changing it pales in comparison to letting said idea go? i can. and when i got them, it felt like i lifted a billion pounds. i go to the dentist in two weeks.
4. i have a bad habit of pointing out and fearing these made up archetypes of people that i believe i will become. be they the failed musician, the dead end crappy job grouch, the sound guy, etc. i sometimes find myself doing things that make me think "wow here i am falling right into the same patterns as so and so" and i am stifled by these fears. they are irrational, i know, because everyone is different in the same ways that i think everyone is comparable and the same... sometimes i think about them for days and nights and even have nightmares about them. i think they push me to dance to a different beat, because they go away. and i have either ignored them, or they have been absent from my mind as of late. it comes and goes with the fear of failure obviously.
5. i picked up smoking again. oh well.
6. i love sex, but i am not as oversexed as i believe 99% of american people are. i could be wrong as i just made up that statistic.
7. i have a secret dream of being a standup comedian. i write little jokes and send them to some of my friends to see if they work. they dont. see?
8. on the topic of #7, i listen to the bob and tom show everyday. i am alone in this, i know.
9. i am a news junkie. politics, tragedy, good news, bad news. infomania.
10. addendum to #9- i check my email every few minutes while at work no matter how busy i am.
11. i enjoy up to, or more than, 8 alcoholic beverages everyday. that's an alcoholic by medical standards- only beer though. cant wait for my liver to thank me for this one.
12. i never/rarely say "i love you" to anyone in my family. they dont say it either. i probably say it to my girlfriend and friends more.i love you guys.
13. being a youngest child- i use humor as a sheild. it never works. see?
14. i want a daughter.
15. i am and always have been afraid of commitment. but so are you.
16. i believe the number 1023 is unlucky, but i believe the number 27 is lucky. i have many other superstitions that are so ridiculous, i am ashamed of them.
17. lately, i have been overchecking things in my house (ie the stove, door locks, plugs). its borderline maladaptive behavior because sometimes i stress out about it when i am not at home.
18. i have two cats that i hate (hey, even some of the best albums have filler songs... i know this one isnt worth the dick).
19. my band opened for kiss army. this was easily one of the most random days of my life.
20. when i reach my mid to late 30s if i have the time/money i am going to open a BBQ restaurant called "Danny Ray's Ribs".i make good BBQ. if you need a job in 10-15 years, call me. i'll need smokers.this is not a joke.
21. if i get laid off and end up living on unemployment for a few months, i am going to apprentice at a studio. i cant imagine what kind of things i am going to learn.
22. i make excuses, on occasion, but on all occasions i HATE people who do. i also HATE this about myself (mostly i hate anything about someone else that i see in myself, but i have read that this is typical).
23. i believe in extraterrestrial life and the spirit realm. yes, i believe there are aliens and ghosts. eat me raw. this shouldnt be hard to believe considering i am superstitious.
24. i save all my restaurant reciepts for 2 days in my wallet in case i have food poisoning and need to prove what i ate. or sue (i hope someone else learns this and makes a million dollars... make checks payable to danny).
25. i believe in God, and the EXISTENCE of Christ. i dont believe they were related. and if they are, they must own the cowboys, because i just dont like that religion for some reason.see?

anyone still out there?

1 comment:

hell is hot said...

dude- i hate doing these, but i figured it would make a good blog, so i just did it... hey shoot me an email and let me know what you have been up to lately if you get a few