Wednesday, December 17, 2008


the CD release was fucking killer. i didnt lose my voice because i just straight up didnt really sing back up that much- JUST BECAUSE EVERYONE IN CAHOOTS was singing over me.
one of the best nights of my recent memory. serious.
leo gave us a luke warm review. its so riddled with talentless banter that its almost impossible to understand. kind of like that sentence i just wrote there.
i just thought it was great that we could read a less than perfect review of our band, get up from our seats and play to a sizeable number of people (200).
a review is nothing more than one guys opinion and it really doesnt matter. i wont say i wont take some of the advice though. hey, its advice you know?
oh yeah. i just hope that he ends up driving down bardstown, and sees the huge billboard with our album on it (amongst others... including radiohead and MMJ... you heard me...) and decides to review that.
i'd like to read that, and forget about it too.
have fun in your mom's basement reviewer queer.


Clitoris Rex said...

I'd like to read this damn review. Im SO glad the show went well..did you get any video/audio?

hell is hot said...

yeah i am sure someone filmed it... i will try to put it up soon. seriously, you would be wasting your time to read it. it so ridiculous. haha. i would feel honored if a somewhat intelligent person did it and slammed us rather than this guy psuedo-picking at us and trying to sound like he knows ANYthing about music. all that said, i will see if i can get you a copy.